Tuesday 24 March 2009

Starting out

Starting out,

Well i have finally decided to start to actually tell people my "real" opinions on everything that has, is and will affect me.

For years i have been accused of being a fence sitter, quite frankly i think this is a load of tosh, i always have an opinion i just don't like people to think that i'm, not open minded.

I wil be doing my best to keep my identity as quiet as possible, but if you really want to know who i am then just ask.

Well just an idea of the things that really annoy me at the moment. Council Tax in general, student loans, the narrow mindedness of people and their motivations. I wish that everone in the world could be civil to one another, but quite frankly that is never goin to happen, we are animals and work on the me, me, me system, would we have climbed out of the tress amny millions of years ago if one homonoid didn't think "this is best for me!, so i'm doing it!"

In my life i have worked as, a newspaper boy, a butcher, a customer service guy for a diy store, twice actually, a student, a door man, a soliciotrs clerk, a rugby player, student president, a rugby coach, at quite a high level i must add! and now i work for a UK wide communications company. I am only 25. I have had a lot of experiences and i am sick to death of people saying that "i talk to much", or "is there anything you haven't done?" It frustrates me that people think that i should bot have done all the things i have done by this age, but hey, I am here and hopefully there will be people somewhere to read the things i say, if not, then it will be my outlet.

Many Thanks for reading
